Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us by our heavenly Father and it doesn't matter whether the children are biological, adopted, or step-children; being a mom is being a mom and is in itself a wonderful gift. Most of the mothers out there aren't really looking for some expensive, elaborate gift for Mother's Day.
Moms love whatever it is that our kids make (noodle necklace, beaded bracelet) . A nice day off with someone else doing the cooking and a sweet card is usually enough. This post is not really full of gifts to buy for "Mom". It's more about the simpler, ways to acknowledge, honor and share Mother's Day with family. I am going to share a list of things that have made past Mother's Days special for me and I am sharing what I am giving my mom this year.
Some of my favorites have been:
1. Going to church as a family; my mother, my husband's mother, the whole family and my husband having made lunch reservations and letting me take a nap when we got home.
2. Those plaster of paris handprints from when my kids were little. (I still have those and I love to look back on how small their hands were)
3. A jar filled with reasons my kids love me, written in their handwriting.
4. My son washing my car and cleaning the inside too.
5. My kids making me a card and buying me grocery store flowers.
6. Hand decorated coffee mugs (I still have mine).
7. My daughter baking a cake for me.
8. My daughter helping me to cook.
9. My son actually cooking a complete Mother's Day dinner for me and my mother. (He does this almost every year now that he is grown and loves to cook)
10. My husband entertaining the kids when they were younger and giving me a few hours to read.
None of these gifts are expensive and some of them are even free, but these I remember more and maybe appreciate them more than the years that I received expensive gifts. You don't have to spend a lot of money to make moms happy. Mom's just want to know that they are loved and appreciated for all that they do for others and they usually want a nap or a full night's sleep. This year I have painted some watercolor herbs to frame for my mom's kitchen and I have made her a card and my son will cook both of us dinner.
I always give every expectant or new mother a children's book that she can share with her new baby for many years to come. I am sharing some of my favorites for gift-giving below:
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
Hugless Douglas by David Melling
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
by Alison Ritchie
God Found Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren
These are just a few of my favorites. There are so many really good ones for giving to your friends who are new moms, even ones that aren't brand new mom's will appreciate having any one of these to share with their littles.
Make sure you tell your own mother how much you love and appreciate her and tell your other mom friends how much you love them, as well and remember you can do something for any and every special mom in your life without spending much or any money. Every mom that has young children appreciates a few hours to nap or catch up a favorite netflix show, favorite book, or just to relax alone and that gift is free!
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Tonya
“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her.”