So this past weekend, I started the hard work of cleaning out my flowerbeds and cutting back dead branches that needed pruning and while this is not my favorite part of gardening, I love the way it looks once it is done and new growth begins. It makes me happy when it’s neat and tidy and flowers are blooming. While doing this I began thinking of the spiritual pruning that God does in our lives and how it is probably not his favorite part of being our Heavenly Father, but so very necessary for healthy new growth. God wants us to cultivate beautiful, brilliant, abundant fruit. Each morning during my quiet time, I ask God to help me to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit and I think God was letting me know that there is some pruning that needs to happen in my life and I may not like it, but it is necessary for me to bear fruit.
While pruning in my garden is a continuing chore, pruning in my Spiritual life should also be ever continuing and deliberate. I believe from time to time we might have to ask God to reveal to us changes that we need to make in out life. I am getting started today. Are there things in your life that should be cut away to help you to be more fruitful?
We should seek His guidance each day.
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2